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Sophie Shaw

JOURNEY TO SELF LOVE - a healing audio mini-course

A woman sits in a meadow in peaceful meditation

I've been in my creative cave for the last week (A.K.A. glued to my computer in glorious hyperfocus - thank you ADHD!)

And I tell you now, I've created something so utterly farkin glorious, I barely know what to do with myself - IT'S THAT GOOD.

And I'm not going to give you teasers or make you wait to find out what it is, because I am all about the INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Let's splurge.

In case it isn't obvious, 99% of the work I do is about self-love. Unwavering self-love leads to all sorts of magical stuff, like:

  • Better relationships with family

  • More loving and harmonious relationship with your partner

  • Unshakeable self-confidence

  • A deep sense of well-being

  • More career satisfaction

  • Increased income

  • Life satisfaction

  • More charitable giving and greater contribution

  • Community

  • Improved health

  • Better sleep

  • World peace (for real)



You may have heard teachers, gurus and coaches (including myself) tell you that to be happy, you need to love yourself - but very few tell you HOW to do that (I do, I do! ✋🏻)

With that in mind, I've created something that will guide you step-by-step on a profound healing journey of self-love - and it will feel SO GOOD.

Journey to Self Love is no ordinary meditation album. (You know me, when have I been ordinary?)

This is an extraordinary 5D immersive healing experience, infused with Reiki energy, incorporating vivid sounds and music and engaging all your senses for deepest healing and transformation.

WOOF, right?

This audio mini-course is a journey of three powerful meditations, plus a special bonus track, designed to help you cultivate deep, unwavering self-love.

Embark on a transformative course of healing; releasing old hurts, and letting go of any blocks or resistance to loving yourself.

If you've struggled with loving yourself completely, or having your own back 100%, then this mini-course is for you.

It includes: 

1. Your Self Love Circle

This magical meditation will guide you to create an unbreakable circle of connection with yourself and love for yourself that transcends time and space.


2. Releasing the Weight of Past Hurts

Let go of all that has been holding you back from loving yourself completely, and embrace the freedom and lightness of a heart unburdened by past pain.


3. Affirmations to Release Resistance to Loving Yourself

Dissolve any mental blocks or barriers to unconditional self-love, and feel yourself supported by Universal energy to do so.


Bonus: Subliminal Affirmations for Self Love

Listen while you sleep, walk or work - these powerful affirmations work just below the level of your conscious mind, rewiring your thoughts automatically for self-love. (this track is also available separately in the shop).

As you may know - I create these immersive tracks for clients on a 1:1 basis, and they are frankly so utterly gorgeous, that I wanted to share them with EVERYONE.

I charge £199 for Bespoke Hypnotic Healing audios - they take a LONG time to make, and an enormous amount of love and creative energy goes into them - plus super-duper Reiki healing energy too.

But fear not - I'm not going to charge you £199.

I'm not even going to charge you £99.

Because I love you <<<THIS MUCH>>> I'm only going to charge you the bonkers low price of £33

Just £33!!

What else could you get for 33 quid?

  • 9 coffees (not all at once, surely)

  • A lamp (pff, whatever. Who needs to see things?)

  • A meal out for one (or two if you're lucky and don't have dessert, which is obviously not ok)

  • A nice top (I'll give you this, I do love a nice top)

What I'm saying, in my loveably daft way, is that I've gone above and beyond to create something of ENORMOUS value, and charged as little as I possibly can for it.

Because I genuinely believe that if everyone loved themselves even a little bit more, we would have a planet built on love, mutual respect, collaboration, and peace.

So there you go - if you don't do it for yourself, then do it for the planet.

Begin today and discover the profound peace and joy that comes from loving yourself unconditionally - it's pretty bloody special, I can tell you.

HUGE love (like, ever such a LOT),

Sophie x


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