Hi gorgeous.
Back in ye olden days, I lived in South London. My mum lived in North London. I was not blessed with a sense of direction, and this was before the age of sat nav.
So - to drive across London (not for the faint-hearted!), I used to write out the directions on a sheet of A4 paper, using the A-Z as my guide (an old-timey map book of London).
Then, I drove across London, my white knuckles gripping the sheet of paper to the steering wheel, and my heart racing for the hour or so it took to get where I was going.
I never travelled in rush hour, and I would have to recover for several hours before making the journey back home again.
Then one day, I was gifted an early sat nav. A big, grey brick of a thing. Saints be praised.
It was THE best thing to happen to my driving experience since my big bro installed my first stereo cassette player. Happy days.
But - just as with my trusty sheet of paper - if there were roadworks, diversions, accidents or traffic jams - tough shit. You're going where you're going. That's THE road. Figure it out.
So, changes to the map were a nightmare for me. I would just have to get lost until the angels picked me up again and set me back on a road I recognised.
I repeat - I had no natural sense of direction - and in any case, London was built a couple of millennia before cars and navigation were a thing.
It's a jungle.
These days, I NEVER drive without Waze, even if I know the route by heart. Because I know that things can change, often, and without warning.
So if there's a road closure, and I don't know the workaround (I'm a bit better with directions now, but not much!) then Waze has got me covered. No panic, no stress, just recalibrating my direction, yet still heading to my desired destination.
What has this got to do with anything?
Well - if, like me, you made plans for 2024, that have not turned out the way you thought - then that is OK. Learning how to embrace change and stay on your path, in spite of life's ups and downs is a whole thing.
It's OK if life has thrown you curveballs and diversions, and you haven't accomplished what you thought you would by now.
It's OK if some of the things you wanted to do back in January no longer light you up and inspire you. It's ok to let them go.
It's OK if you feel like you're back at square one (you never are, I promise you!)
It's OK if the year got away from you - you can still get it back.
What I'm saying is - life will throw you surprises that might steer you off your intended path. You can either say 'Tough shit, this is THE road, I'm going where I'm going'
OR - you can recalibrate. Find another way to get where you're going. You can even go somewhere else. It's all good.
And if you need to pull over for a bit, catch your breath, have a cry - that's OK too.
But make sure that you get your map out, and get back on the road again soon - you have somewhere to be.
There's a whole lot of 2024 left - you've got this!
Big love,

P.S. I am an ACE co-pilot. I will never judge your driving, I'm great at helping with the navigation (life, not roads!) and I will keep your spirits up for the long drive.
Let's have a chat about your direction. Book your free 30-min discovery session HERE.