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Sophie Shaw

a woman walking along a field path

It is undoubtedly a LOT easier to heal from things if you understand them. BUT you don't have to.

I see a lot of clients get tripped up because they don't know WHY they feel the way they do. They don't get WHY they keep repeating the same patterns, or having the same negative emotions.

And it can be really frustrating - I get it. 

It's especially frustrating if you've done the inner work and understood your triggers - but you STILL get hung up on this feeling.


There's often an undertone of 'I shouldn't feel this way'. In other words, because you've 'dealt' with this, you shouldn't keep feeling like this. Right?

Or is it that you should've worked it out by now? At your age, you should've gotten this sorted and finally understood THE REASON. Is that it?

Because if you understood THE REASON, you'd stop feeling like that?

Well - I'm saying you don't have to 'get it'. You don't have to understand it, in order to heal from it. 

Now - don't get me wrong - I'm a BIG fan of understanding. I love the psychotherapeutic process of exploration, digging through my experiences to gain wisdom and insight.

I love it - and my brain loves it. I'm a perpetual learner.

And it is undoubtedly a LOT easier to heal from things if you understand them. BUT (and it's a beautiful but 🍑) you don't have to.

And even if you do 'get it', you may find that the mind is on board, but the energy still doesn't shift. Nothing actually changes.

This is why I absolutely LOVE the work that I do. The exploration, the discussion, the insights - that's all gorgeous.

And then... oof, then we get to go deeper

Then we go into the energy. We ask the mind to just get on board, even if it doesn't understand, and we dig into the energy - to the feeling.

This is why Reiki energy work is so fantastic. It doesn't require intellectual understanding, wisdom or insight. It doesn't need you to get it. 

in my sessions, the purpose of the mind is to try and 'get it,' but if not, to be willing for it to change anyway. The willingness is all.

This is how HUGE transformations can happen in an instant - the kind of total energetic shifts that no amount of talking can facilitate. 

This is the work I've poured into Journey to Self Love

The words and imagery are there to encourage your mind to get on board. To help you to see things differently, and to have that wisdom and insight about WHY you haven't loved yourself as much as you deserve.

And the Reiki energy is there to facilitate that deep shift. To completely bypass any resistance or mental blocks you might have, and cultivate deep self-love ANYWAY.

You may end up 'getting it' more than you ever did before - and I hope you do.

But even if you don't - even if you don't have that magic 'AHA!' moment - you'll still make the shift.

You'll still feel a deepening of the kind of self-love you've always wanted to experience - total, unconditional, steady and strong. 

Start falling in love with yourself - why wouldn't you? You're gorgeous!

Biggest of big love to you,

Sophie x

P.S. Go on, take a peek - you will thank you.


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