My clients are a never-ending source of absolute gold - they often teach me things I need to know, and it becomes a positive feedback loop of growth.
I have to share with you (with permission) something BRILLIANT that one of my lovely clients said the other day.
She said that sometimes it blows her mind how we're all just like human Tamagotchis, that we have to feed, nurture and keep alive.
We had a good laugh at this comparison, because it sounds so silly - and yet it's TOTALLY TRUE!
If you missed the Tamagotchi craze in the 90s, they were little digital pets on a key chain, and you had to press buttons regularly to feed them, pet them, love them, and nourish them in other ways.
If you forgot to do this, they would start to shut down. And if you let them die, there was no way to reboot or resurrect them.
So naturally, it became a matter of pride to see who could keep their Tamagotchi alive the longest. Can you see where I'm going with this?
What if we took the same approach to looking after ourselves? What if we recognised that we don't just need food and sleep; we need love, stimulation, company, exercise, nourishment, fulfilment, and so much more?
What if we actually took PRIDE in looking afer ourselves to the very best of our abilities?
What if you could gamify your self-care, racking up points and rising up the leaderboard in your mind?
How's THAT for a different attitude?
Instead, what I see all too often is the approach taken by neglectful teens - to be excited about the new thing, then leave it to wither away, forgotten.
Babe - is your battery beeping at you? Do you need to press the button for some love? Some food? A nap? A walk? A game? A dance?
No one knows better than YOU what you need - and no one is going to give it to you without you asking. So pipe up! Feed that Tamagotchi!
Big love,

P.S. Part of your self-care routine is making sure you're well-supported - that means asking for (and receiving!) help when you need it. Just a reminder!