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Sophie Shaw
Sophie Shaw hypnotherapist Reiki master teacher

If you've been around for a while but never had a session with me, you may be wondering: what's it's actually like to work with me - what do I even DO?

How can I put it? Sessions with me are like riding a foul-mouthed unicorn into the sun. Does that make it clear?


Your sessions will almost certainly make you laugh, because the healing process can get a bit HEAVY, and laughter is an incredibly important tool to lift and lighten.

My basic philosophy as a therapist is this: you know that thing you think is unacceptable about yourself? It's fine, I promise.

But it's much more than simple self-acceptance - it's taking the weight, the fear, the anger, the resistance, and the drama out of whatever it is you're experiencing, making it light, peaceful, calm - and yes, silly.

You will laugh, you will cry, you will feel seen and supported, and you will heal. That's about the size of it.

What happens in the sessions?

Sessions are 90 minutes long, and we can have them online or in person, whatever you prefer - there is genuinely no difference between the two. The healing works wherever you are - and it stays with you long after the session.

Every session is a deliberate balance between discussion/coaching, hypnotherapy and Reiki - all ingredients are important.

We'll talk about whatever's been bothering you. I'll ask you questions about you, your issue, your life, your loves and hates, your hopes and dreams.

We'll get a clear picture of what's going on for you - and, most importantly - what you want to have instead

We'll get right into the nitty gritty - I'm a fount of useful information - and I'm pretty unembarrassable - so we can talk about everything from confidence to haemorrhoids - try me.

I listen WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. And unlike counsellors, who are trained only to listen, I WILL give you guidance. I'm far too opinionated to keep schtum!

It might be super basic and practical - like simple actions you can do today to make your life easier.

Or it might be a self-love practice I want you to adopt, or a meditation or journaling exercise I want you to try. I might ask you to STOP doing something you didn't realise was hurting you.

I may, very lovingly, kick your butt. I am blunt, but it's all done with love - genuinely.

And then we'll have Hypnotic Healing™ - a unique and powerful blend of gentle hypnosis and extraordinary Reiki energy healing. This is what REALLY gets things shifting.

You'll sit comfortably, or lie on a therapy bed (up to you), while I guide you through a healing journey. You'll be awake and conscious, but profoundly relaxed.

It'll feel a bit like a very deep guided meditation - I'll ask you to imagine or visualise certain things, images and sensations. You'll be an active participant in your own healing!

All the while, I'll be working powerfully with your energy - this can feel incredible, surprising, emotional, and beautiful. 

Afterwards, we'll debrief - occasionally, if it's needed, I might give you some gentle homework to be going on with until our next session.

The healing journey is collaborative - you and I work TOGETHER for your recovery. 

Transformation is, well, inevitable.

How many sessions do I need?

Well, that depends on what you're dealing with.

If you're mostly ok, but you'd like help to unravel a specific issue - then you probably need:

This package is fantastically focused - quick and dirty. We have 3 potent sessions of Hypnotic Healing™ to make a rapid, positive difference in your life.


  • 3 x weekly sessions of Hypnotic Healing™

  • Interim support via messenger

  • practical strategies, therapeutic discussion, and powerful energy healing

3-Week Intro is £435 - book HERE


If you're going through some stuff and finding it hard to see the way forward, then I recommend:

My most popular package. This gives you 6 sessions - more than enough to get to grips with whatever's going on for you. 

Reach your big breakthrough and make some big, beautiful positive changes in just 6 weeks.


  • 6 x weekly sessions of Hypnotic Healing™

  • Session feedback and info via email

  • Interim support via messenger

  • practical strategies, therapeutic discussion, and powerful energy healing

6 Week Breakthrough is £799 book HERE (a payment plan is available, please ask)

If you're looking for pure Reiki on its own, then you can choose from the following:

  • 3 x 45-minute sessions of pure Reiki healing, one per week.

3-Week Intro is £210 - save £15 on single sessions. Book HERE.

  • 6 x 45-minute sessions of pure Reiki healing, one per week.

6-Week Breakthrough is £420 - save £30 on single sessions. Book HERE.

  • 6 x 45-minute sessions of pure Reiki healing, one per month

  • Bonus: free Reiki meditation mp3

6 Months Strong is £420 - save £38 on sessions and audio. Book HERE.

  • 12 x 45-minute sessions of pure Reiki healing, one per month

  • Bonus: full, free access to all meditation tracks in the audio library

My Best Year is £825 - save £125 on single sessions and audios. Book HERE. A payment plan is available, please ask.

Pure Reiki sessions do not include coaching, hypnotherapy or interim support between sessions.

And, as ever, if you've got NO FLIPPIN CLUE WHERE TO START, then let's have a wee chat. No pressure, if I'm right for you, you'll know.

EEEEP - I'm excited to meet you!

Big love,

Sophie x

P.S. Don't wait! Let's have a chat - book yourself in at


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